Model No: 304M041

Price: $1,399.00


The simplicity and fine lines of the Stoneybrook colllection are evident in this replica wall clock called the Newburg. The classic lines , deep relief of wood detail and strengthnof construction makes this a clock that will last for generations to come


  • Hand rubbed solid oak case with a satin varnish finish, handcrafted in Wisconsin
  • Case panels provide easy access for adjustment and servicing of movement and accessories
  • Clock dial is metal and silk screened and features a classic dial surround
  • An 8 day mechanical German  Westminster chime movement and automatic beat adjustment
  • Wall to wall seat board mounted movement coupled with rear mounted chime block on 1/2" backboard producing superior sound for the quarter hour chime and the hour strike.
  • Grommets surround the winding arbors
  • European style chime rods for automatic night shut off and chime operation
  • Brass  pendulum bob matches clock dial
  • Two year warranty
  • DIMENSIONS: 32 3/4"h X 16 3/4" W X 7 1/4" D
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